Saturday, March 27, 2010


Comply with BRAD (Baton Rouge Association of the Deaf) club that we must (not just need to- MUST) to save. BRAD was formed and is still members. BUT membership has dwindled. In old time, we has been though by donations, serving on committees, and serving as officers. We are not AGAINST BRAD, We are SAVE BRAD!!!

Committees -
President - Ed wood
Vice President - Ken Davis
Secretary - Pauline Wood
Treasurer - Houston Moss
Member-at-Large – Tommie Patterson, Lacey Richard and Dale Brazzle

Notice something that doesn’t sound right? President and Secretary are Husband and Wife. It is against law that to have a same family in committee. Will find it article of by-laws to get all information from the Robert’s Rules of Order

They are selling the club – Question: what will they do with money?

Frozen member – Question : Why? Closed Society – their saying; NO COMMENT. Where is our constitutional rights to knowledge why it frozen member – for what reason?

They proposed general meeting/ emergency meeting and cancelled for 4 (fourth) times within 3 months.

President duties –

Decide parliamentary questions

Administer the oath of office to NEW officers.


Vice President duties-

Function as a chairperson of the law committee


Secretary duties-

Keep a record of all meetings of the BRAD

Enter in the proper books all minutes of all meetings of the club



Act as primary cosigner WITH one of THREE other officers

Deposit funds in the bank(s) designated by the BRAD (its name, not treasurer’s name)


BRAD, unless sooner dissolved in accordance with law, shall exist and continue, and shall have and enjoy corporate existence and succession, for a period of 99 years from (Sept. 30, 1964) herself.


The purposes of the BRAD are as follows;
To promote, by every means possible, the welfare of all the deaf and the hard of hearing

To sponsor cooperation and goodwill within our ranks;

To provide a wholesome, well rounded schedule of events, athletic, social and any other way, for the members and THEIR FRIENDS


To cooperate with other organizations of the Deaf to ACHIEVE the purposes outline above

To buy, sell, lease, erect or otherwise acquire lands, clubhouses, and all necessary buildings and appurtenances to further such ends, to hold, maintain, rent, mortgage, or dispose thereof, and generally, to do all things necessary or proper to achieve such ends

To engage in any other lawful activity


Active members shall be deaf and hard of hearing of good character who pay required dues in order to be a member of this club. They SHALL HAVE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES in the conduct of business. They shall be members in good standing for at least one year before they are eligible to hold an office.

Notice of meetings of members

Otherwise provided in the articles or by-laws, and except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the authorized person or persons calling a members’ meeting shall cause WRITTEN NOTICE of the time, place and PURPOSE of the meeting to be given to all member entitled to vote at such meeting, at LEAST TEN (10) DAYS and not more than sixty days prior to the day fixed for the meeting.

For my thought ….
There has been betraying that had done, it comes from the leadership of BRAD who took an oath to uphold by-laws of BRAD. Over the years everybody expected the best from the leadership which is the glue that holds the community together and help BRAD grows. Instead of promoting young people to become our NEXT generation of leaders, respect has slowly been worn away for an organization founded over 60 years ago.

I remember and I was personally there to witness that Ed Wood was announced in 50th anniversary at Hotel (1998) to expressed his feeling and his OWN words: He would loves to see BRAD to everlasting than 50 years and see who is now president once again; against its grow. I am confused. (I have a record to prove what he has told in that day and he didn’t keep his word today).

Please spread this email attach to your neighbor, friends and family to give out moral support. This need to be HEAR! We no FEAR!

Truly yours,


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