Immunization Requirements Changing for Students in Fall 2009
For Release On:
May 28, 2009
Baton Rouge: Now that the 2008-2009 school year has ended in Louisiana, it's
time for parents to start on some summer homework for their kids' health.
Louisiana has issued new vaccination requirements for students, effective
this coming 2009-2010 school year, and it's not too soon for parents to make
sure their children's shots are up to date.
In addition to the scheduled immunizations already required in state law,
two doses of Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine will be required for children
four years and older who are entering kindergarten, pre-kindergarten,
daycare or HeadStart programs in the fall. Also, children who are 11 years
old or are entering the sixth grade must have proof of all age-appropriate
immunizations, including a new meningococcal (meningitis) vaccine
The chicken pox and meningitis vaccines have been recommended for several
years. However, by requiring these immunizations for school attendance, the
State of Louisiana is now taking an important step to protect Louisiana's
children, from individual kids to entire classrooms, from disease.
The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals is working closely with
schools to collect students' immunization data to monitor and ensure kids
are on their proper vaccination schedules.
State law already requires standard immunizations for diseases like
hepatitis B, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella for all children depending
on their age. See the list at the end of this press release for details.
Dr. Frank Welch, medical director for the Immunization Program, urges
parents to contact their health care provider to make appointments for their
children, or to ask questions about vaccinations.
"Proper vaccination sometimes takes more than one visit, and your child is
not fully protected until all vaccines are finished," Dr. Welch said.
"However, if you show proof that he or she is in the process of receiving a
vaccine series, your child can enter and remain in school."
Louisiana residents needing a copy of their immunization record or their
child's record, can get a copy from any parish health unit, regardless of
where the shots were received or where the individual currently resides.
This is provided by the DHH Louisiana Immunization Network for Kids
Statewide (LINKS) database. This system allows providers to track the
immunization status of children from birth. The LINKS database is also used
to help ensure that all children are properly vaccinated and, in the event
of a public health emergency, allows health officials to easily know who has
been immunized against a specific disease.
For a list of parish health units, visit
enrolled in the LINKS system, the best way to get your immunization records
is to contact your physician directly.
If you are unable to get your records directly from your health care
provider, the LINKS system or any other method, you will need to get re-
vaccinated in order to get a new record.
The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals serves to protect and
promote health statewide and to ensure access to medical, preventive and
rehabilitative services for all state citizens. To learn more about DHH,
visit http://www.dhh.
11 YEARS AND OLDER, Entering 6th grade or higher
One (1) Meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) NEW
Three (3) doses Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine
Two (2) doses Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine
Two (2) doses of Varicella vaccine
Tetanus Diphtheria Acellular Pertussis vaccine (TdaP)
4 YEARS AND OLDER, Entering kindergarten, Pre-K, daycare or HeadStart
Two (2) doses of Varicella vaccine NEW
Two (2) doses of Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine
Three (3) doses of Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine
Booster dose of Diphtheria Tetanus Acellular Pertussis (DTaP) vaccine
Booster dose of Poliovirus (Polio) vaccine
UNDER 4 YEARS, Entering pre-K, daycare, or HeadStart
Three (3) doses ofDiphtheria Tetanus Acellular Pertussis vaccine (DTaP)
Two to three doses ofInactivated Poliovirus vaccine (IPV)
Three (3) doses of Haemophilus Influenza Type B vaccine (Hib)
Three (3) doses ofHepatitis B vaccine (HBV)
Three (3) doses ofPneumococcal Conjugate vaccine (PCV7 - for children less
than 24 months of age)
One (1) dose of Varicella vaccine
Additional Contact Information:
Contact Name Contact Phone
Rene' Milligan (225) 342-7913
Jolie Adams (225) 342-4742
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