Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Bulletin 1191¯School Transportation Handbook
(LAC 28:XXVII.2511)
In accordance with R.S. 49:950 et seq., the Administrative Procedure Act, the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education amended Bulletin 1191¯School Transportation Handbook, §2511, "Transportation of Students with Special Needs by Other than a Regularly Equipped School Bus" Special School District and the Board Special Schools submitted the revisions to be incorporated into the document which add a transportation option for transporting students with disabilities in these facilities. Current policy requires the use of a school bus when any student needs to be transported under any situation. There are several concerns with this policy, including financial cost, efficiency, and the social stigma attached for students. For example, if one student needs to attend a counseling session off campus, the school would have to utilize a school bus to transport that student. The department drafted language to address this issue; the legal staff has ensured the language is not in violation of existing state and federal guidelines.
Title 28
Part XXVII. Bulletin 1191¯School Transportation Handbook
Chapter 25. Special Education Transportation
§2511. Transportation of Students with Special Needs by Other than a Regularly Equipped School Bus
A. - A.5. ...
6. Students in special schools as defined in R.S. 17:43 may be transported in properly insured vehicles, other than school buses, by a school employee holding a valid Louisiana driver's license, under the following circumstances:
a. a student is being transported during school hours to a non-academic appointment/
b.a student, or a small group of students (seven or less), is being transported before or after school hours to a recreational or personal event/activity or to a life skills activity, e.g., going shopping or going to a movie;
c. a student, or a small group of students (seven or less), is being transported to a job or a job interview.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:158, R.S. 17:160-161, R.S. 17:164-166.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 25:636 (April 1999), amended LR 35:645 (April 2009).
Amy B. Westbrook, Ph.D.
Executive Director
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