Sunday, May 17, 2009

Response to the Layoffs at LA School for the Deaf

My Response to my State Rep and Senator

I have been in the field of Deafness over 40 years. I have worked on the state, national, and international levels. My children graduated from the Louisiana School for the Deaf

I am appalled at the treatment of the Louisiana School for the Deaf by the La Department of Education! On one hand they tout the need for a "world class" educational system for the Deaf and on the other they slash key staff!

The recent lay offs will effectively cripple the School to the point that the only alternative left is closure! This would be a violation of federal law, a travesty of historical proportion to the Deaf community, and a moral failure of the State to the future of Deaf children.

Please restore the School!

Daniel D. Burch, Ph.D., SC:L
Sign Language Services International, Inc.
10632 Ferncliff Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70815-5215

225-273-3396 Voice/TTY/VP

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